Green Canyon Pangandaran

>> Jul 15, 2009

Called Green Canyon it is given by USA tourist who has come, maybe Green Canyon view so beatifull as like as Grandcanyon in his country. The real name is ‘Cukang Taneuh’ from sundanise means ‘land brige’.

Travel from Jakarta in Kampung Rambutan terminal by bus, take night bus to Pangandaran at 21:00 arrive at 05:00. Empty Street but in ciamis pass zig zag steet. Early morning so hard find public transportation, but we can negosiate with driver private car ask to drive to Greencanyon. Almost of citizen here familiar with this place.

BodyRafting GreenCanyon

What is Body Rafting? It is rafting with our body, no craft, no row, use ower body follow the water flow. To find the place, pass Small Street, pass house complexis and local portal which is made from bamboo and have to pay some money to pass. View coconut tree as long the street which is local people earning money from coconut. Till the end of road have to walk, up & down hill come to “stinky cave” because so many bats live here. Walk down to cijulang river start point to bodyrafting.

The water is so clear, rock bank of river, drizzling rain down from up resource water in the rock, quite, only sound of water rushing, the view so wonderfull it is like hiden paradise, Sometime trip is danger because swift flow, stop and clim to the hill rock beside the river and jump to the river. Predicted 4 hours arrive to jetty and boat pike up


dodia July 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM  

woow....t4 ini yg dah lama aku cita2kan tuk bisa ksanaa........kereennn n asri bangettt......

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